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Logic Foundations 

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We all know that asking the right people the right questions is the only way to get the right answers, right?

Too often, online survey projects are designed without really considering the differences between participant groups, resulting in awkward participant experiences and poor-quality responses. 

Surveys designed to prioritize participant engagement are responsive and dynamic, shifting based on survey logic.

Want better answers and more of them? Check out this quick showcase on how to choose and use logic options within the Sogolytics platform.

Got 15 minutes? Learn how to build a better survey – logically!
Meet your hosts:

Senior Account Manager, Sogolytics

A partner to our clients, Mary provides support and advice to leaders across industries in utilizing feedback to improve experiences for all.   

Account Manager, Sogolytics

Paige is a client champion and project innovator, dedicated to helping clients design creative solutions that meet their goals.  .

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