Going for Gold:
7 Response Rate Hurdles to Overcome

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You're asking survey questions for a reason. What can you do if you don't get enough answers?

Sadly, many people believe that low survey response rates are simply to be expected. Listen: It doesn't have to be this way!!

While response rate struggles are not uncommon, we've got plenty of suggestions and best practices for you to improve engagement and get the results you need.
Join our experts for a live session on: 
  • Classic examples of response rate hurdles
  • Survey design tips and features that can help
  • Best practices beyond the platform that support participant engagement

This Olympic-inspired session is designed to benefit both experts and beginners. Know someone else who should join? Feel free to invite your response-rate-loving connections. ✨
Meet your hosts:

VP of Success, Sogolytics

With experience in training, building culture, and implementing technology solutions to support customer and employee experience, Melissa's focus is on empowerment, understanding, and, of course, success.   

Client Success Specialist, Sogolytics

With experience in project management, product training and support, and customer experience, Bria focuses on crafting excellent solutions for clients and participants alike. 

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