How to Use Patient Surveys to Deliver
More ​​​​​​​Human-Centered Experiences


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Exceptional patient experiences are key to improved outcomes in community healthcare. Getting it right goes far beyond simply conducting patient satisfaction surveys to meet regulatory requirements. 

Facing a disruptive economic environment and rapidly changing patient needs, healthcare organizations must embrace a modernized approach to gathering and using patient feedback. To scale success, healthcare professionals must find ways to operationalize empathy and optimize the moments that matter.

If you would like to be able to better connect the dots across regulatory survey results, patient feedback across their entire journey, and patient satisfaction, join our upcoming webinar.

Key takeaways: 
  • How to capture a 360-degree view of the patient experience across all touchpoints regardless of location, specialty, or department
  • How to shift from point-in-time reporting to predictive, actionable analytics
  • How to use Patient Experience (PSAT) surveys as a strategic business driver
  • How to optimize the moments that matter most for your patients, their families, and the community you serve​​​​​​​

Don’t postpone your patient experience transformation! Register now! 
Meet your host:

VP of Patient Experience (PX) Division, Sogolytics

Brian is a healthcare sales and marketing leader who focuses on enabling providers to deliver better patient experiences, more equity in healthcare access, and transparency of care outcomes.

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